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June Garden Checklist

June Garden Checklist

Let June be June! Sure, the cold might be creeping in, but us gardeners? We're not easily scared off. The show must go on, darling! I mean, come on, the whole spring extravaganza is counting on us. Here’s what to do in your garden this month. 

Plant your winter and spring-flowering bulbs

If you've held back on planting, it isn't too late to plant winter bulbs that are still available. For tulips sake, get your bulbs in the ground now. The beauty is you don’t need to refrigerate them beforehand. Bulbs have an innate sense of timing and now is right on time for their growth cycle. A few days in the fridge won’t work miracles, instead, nature works her magic. Plus, you can plant them without pre-soaking. So, let your beloved winter bulbs' lifecycle commence. Simply plant according to the planting instructions provided on your bulb packs or check out the product page for the bulb you are planting (you’ll find planting instructions there too). 

Mulch, mulch, mulch

Make sure you add living mulch or a layer of compost to your newly planted treasures. There are a multitude of benefits in doing so. Mulch does dual duty in regulating the soil temperature. 

Firstly, it keeps your bulb's roots cool if the weather warms up, and protects them from frost if it gets freezing cold. Living mulch can add colour and beauty while you wait for your bulbs to emerge. If you opt for compost though, it does a good job of keeping weeds at bay and conserves water, over and above adding nutrients to the soil. 


Leave, lift, or divide 

This month you can assess whether you need to leave, lift, or divide select bulbs in your garden. When it comes to your summer stunners, here are the ones you can leave in the ground, provided you have the space and the ones you should rather lift. 

  • Ammocharis coranica (leave in the ground but keep dry in winter) 
  • Caladium (leave in the ground in humid parts of the country)
  • Chlidanthus (lift and store in a dry, cool garage or cupboard until planting time in September)
  • Colocasia (lift and divide rhizomes for propagation, otherwise leave in the ground)
  • Crinum (leave in the ground, they are tolerant of some winter rain)
  • Crocosmia (leave, but if you need to lift do so mid-winter and replant immediately) 
  • Dahlia (leave until the foliage dies back, then cut the stem 5cm from the ground and either leave in the ground or lift and store in a cool and dry spot until planting time in October)
  • Eucomis (leave in the ground) 
  • Galtonia (leave in the ground for at least 4 years and ensure the soil is well-draining) 
  • Gloriosa (leave in the ground and keep them dry over winter)
  • Hemerocallis (leave in the ground)
  • Hippeastrum  (leave until the foliage turns yellow, then cut the stem just above the bulb and either leave in the ground or lift and store in a cool and dry spot until planting time in September)
  • Hymenocallis (leave in the ground or lift if frost is expected)
  • Hypoxis (leave)
  • Nerine bowdenii (leave in the ground if it is well-draining) 
  • Ornithogalum summer growing (leave in the ground if it is well-draining) 
  • Polianthes (leave in the ground) 
  • Tigridia (leave in the ground if it is well-draining) 
  • Zantedeschia aethiopica (this local lovely with big white flowers can be left in the ground year round)
  • Zantedeschia hybrids (lift and replant this smaller indigenous variety in a new spot or in fresh soil in September) 
  • Zephyranthes grandiflora (leave in the same spot for a few years, until the plant becomes overcrowded then you can lift and divide)

    Practice 'chaos gardening'

    The call of the wild is louder than ever, urging us to embrace the untamed beauty of chaos gardening. So, toss out the rulebook, grab a cup of tea, and let your garden throw its own little party! Some may approach this way of gardening with more bravery than others, and that’s alright. It’s all about embracing the wisdom of nature and allowing it to do its thing. It’s a more relaxed approach and one that will bring wildlife diversity, and continuous beauty to your garden. Take a chance, and try a little ‘chaos gardening’ in your own way. 

    Spruce up your garden

    If you have time on your hands you can consider adding features to your garden, to create interest. If you’d like to have fun, you could DIY it. Otherwise, a bit more free time could lend itself to much needed garden maintenance.


    Here are some inspiring ways to spruce up your garden this June:

    • Incorporate feature pots that overflow with flowers
    • Make a water feature out of a large ceramic pot and fill it with aquatic plants
    • Build a pond to diversify your garden 
    • Create an ornate path in your garden or better yet a ‘secret’ path 
    • Add trellises or wire for climbing plants to creep on
    • Make feeders and sources of water for tiny garden-dwellers using ceramics and terracotta pots 
    • Maintain walls and fences, with a lick of paint, or added decorative features like art, mirrors or garden-related objects 
    • Bring garden furniture and outdoor lighting to your space to enhance your outdoor experiences
    • Create a ‘new garden’ within your garden such as a fairy garden with miniature plants, a herb or vegetable garden if you don’t have one yet, or even a bromeliad or orchid garden. The options are endless. 

    Happy June! 

    Previous article Irises: Bearded, Beardless and Beyond
    Next article Lean into Lilies


    Jane Whittingdale - June 11, 2024

    I want to place an order for iris bulbs
    Is there an order form

    Hadeco Bulbs - June 10, 2024

    You can purchase irises and daylilies here:
    Dahlia, Eucomis and Crocosmia will be available for preorder from July. If you need further assistance please email

    Jane Whittingdale - June 10, 2024

    How do I place an order for iris
    Day Lillie’s

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