Cylinder Ceramic Pot - Black - Various Sizes
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The perfect black finish with pigments of darker shades to fit in perfectly with any colour.
- Ceramic Pot
- Black
- Sand finish
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We started feeding our 20 year old Amaryllis bulb food this season. Never haver the leaves looked so beautiful, and to reward us multiple bulblets have been produced. Flame lilies which started growing on their own (not planted by us) have rewarded us with more blooms than ever due to this food.
Love these spidery blooms and they produce offshoots (new bulbs) prolifically. We'll have to thin them out in a couple of years - Yay.
Alfresco is our favourite bloom (while actually we have many favourites) - seems like each bloom that opens is "the favourite" until the next one opens. This double white is very special, the double-nose makes it a bouquet on it's own.
The Fanfare double-nose definitely doubled the joy with the sheer amount of blooms open at the same time.
Every new bloom brings a special excitement. Blushing Bride, besides having lovely big blooms has also produced three "babies" (small bulbs) in the first season.