Amaryllis - belladonna - 2 bulbs
Delivery from: March - April
Amaryllis belladona is the sweet-scented flower your garden will love. It makes a jaw-dropping cut flower with its large trumpet-shaped blooms.
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Common name: March lily, belladonna lily
Sun Exposure: Full sun and semi-shade
Planting time: April - May
Flowering time: March - April
Active growth: May – October
Dormant: November
Lifting time: November
Type: True bulb
Mature height: 1m
Planting depth: Plant with the neck at the surface of the soil
Plant spacing: 10cm apart
Watering: Every 3-4 days when planted in the ground for 10 minutes and every 2-3 days when planted in pots
Position and soil
Loosen the soil before planting and add compost. Plant them closely for a massed effect in a rock garden.
Further Care
Do not move them for many years. However, if you do need to, do so during their dormant period. Guard them against pests such as lily borer caterpillars and snout beetle.