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Caring for the Clivia miniata: A fiery floral force

Bright and cheery, the indigenous Clivia miniata, or Bush Lily, is a welcomed sight in any garden. The gorgeous orange blooms of the Clivia spring up in mid-October each year. Although Clivias naturally thrive in our South African climate and terrain, they still need a little care and tending to, occasionally, to produce their most impressive blooms. So keep these gardening ideas and tips in mind before planting your own Clivia bulbs


Grow like a pro: Planting Clivia miniata at home

Did you know Clivias are incredibly low-maintenance? In fact, they ticked all our boxes for the ‘perfect plant’: they’re indigenous to South Africa, they grow both outdoors and indoors, they produce stunning flowers, also looking attractive without flowers, and are easy to care for. To top it all off, they are disease and drought-resistant. Is there any reason not to love the striking Clivia?

Tips for growing Clivia plants outdoors

1. Bring the shade

Clivias are all about the shade, literally. So be sure to plant yours in a shady part of your garden. 

(They’re great for that empty section in the garden you’ve been meaning to fill up.)

2. Go with the flow

Clivias require soil that drains well, so before planting any Clivias in your garden, find a spot in your garden for them that won’t pool with rainwater.

3. Mind the gap

When planting your Clivias, be sure to space them about 30cm apart so they have space to grow into dense bushes (over the next few years). 

4. Soak it in

Clivia plants require less water when they are not in bloom – during autumn and winter. In early spring, up the frequency of your waterings for a beautiful bloom in October.

5. Break it off

Propagate your Clivias during spring and summer, and never in the winter months when they are preparing for their spring bloom. 

6. Out with the old

After the spring bloom, cut off any spent Clivia flowers so the plants can use that energy for seed production. 


Tips for growing Clivia plants indoors

1. Go potty for Clivias

If you are planting Clivias in pots to add to your home décor, make sure the pots that you use have a diameter of 10-25cm, and have sufficient drainage holes underneath. View our terracotta pots.

2. Get down and dirty

2. Add a compost-rich, sandy soil mixture to the pots, like Pokon Potting Soil, and plant your Clivia bulbs.

3. Breeze in

Select an airy, shaded spot in your home for your Clivia plants. A little bit of sunlight exposure will encourage flowering, so perhaps place them on your verandah if you have one. Read more about patio gardening.

4. Hose it down

Water your Clivias frequently enough so that the soil is always slightly moist, but never waterlogged.


Ready to grow your own Clivia plants?

Growing Clivia plants is a simple and fairly easy process. All you need is the right flower bulbs, pots, and soil, and you can enjoy a beautiful bloom of Clivias every year. These beauties will be available to order again in February 2020. If you have anymore questions about looking after them, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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