Sensually Scented Liliums
If your garden is in need of a touch of bold colour laced with a heady perfume, then Oriental Liliums are for you – They are ready from July. Planted on either side of a pathway, or in pots on the balcony, they will perfume the surrounds.
Alternatively, they can be used to create small “islands” of shimmering colour between foliage shrubs and ground covers.
Oriental Hybrids
These are derived from crossing
L. auratum from Japan and
L. speciosum from China and Japan and must rate as one of the most breathtaking of all flowers. They produce huge, open-faced blooms on stems up to 2,5m tall.
If their striking flowers don’t catch your attention, they are strong, wildly exotic scent surely will. This midsummer bloomer is a must for sunny courtyards where the walls can trap their scent. Alternatively, plant them near windows or entrances.
Lilium bulbs are available from July through to mid-August. Lilies never retreat into total dormancy and so should be planted as soon as possible after purchase.
Top Tips
- When planting, remember that most Liliums grow between 1 and 2m tall, so plant them from the middle to the back of your beds.
- Taller varieties may need staking, especially in windy areas. When planting, place a small stake just next to the bulbs that protrude a few centimetres above the ground. This can then be replaced with a taller stake when the plant needs it without any fear of damaging the bulb.
- Lilies are best left undisturbed for about 5 years. If they are well fed through summer with Hadeco bulb food they will keep on flowering year after year. When the clump becomes overcrowded, wait for the foliage to yellow in autumn and gently lift the bulbs. Divide and replant the bulbs immediately.