Boophone disticha - Cape Poison Bulb- 2 bulbs p-pack
Delivery from: 4-8 business days after order is placed
Boophone disticha makes an eye-catching potted plant. The indigenous bulb is sizable, featuring attractive fan-shaped leaves.
Caution: The bulb is very toxic and must be kept away from children and pets.
May repel moles and other critters.
Family name: Amaryllidaceae
Common name: Century plant, Cape poison bulb
Sun Exposure: Full sun to semi-shade
Planting time: March - June
Flowering time: August - January
Active growth time: July - February
Dormancy time: June
Lifting time: Do not lift
Type (true bulb, rhizome, corm, etc): True bulb
Mature height: 50cm
Planting depth: Plant with shoulder above soil
Planting spacing: Up to 50cm
Lowest temperature: Minus 10°C
Watering frequency: Once a month
Position and soil: Plant in sandy soil
Further Care: Boophone thrives on neglect, and little watering.